Back pain causes female - Reproductive-Excretory-Skeletal

Back pain causes female at this time every woman in the daily busy life.

Causes of lower back pain in female Reproductive system :

1. Miscarriage: A miscarriage is the loss of a fetus during pregnancy, it leads to severe back pain too. 

2. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): PMS is a condition that affects the women emotion, physical health and behavior during the menstruation.

3. Uterine prolapse: the pelvic muscle holds the uterus in place when pelvic muscles become weak so, they are not able to hold uterus that will lead to back pain.

 4. Urethritis: when inflammation occurs in urethra and irritation or pain occurs during urination.

 5. Cervical dysplasia: it is a condition when cells on the cervix undergo abnormal changes.

Causes of lower back pain in female Excretory system:

1. Kidney stones: kidney stones are the masses which are made up of crystals. they produced in kidneys but after that, they can be present at any point of the urinary tract. 

2. Muscle strain: while doing stretching, muscles got stiff or tearing of a muscle. it will lead to muscle pain.

 3. Renal cell cancer: it causes the kidney cancer. when the cells of the kidney become cancerous or abnormal growth of cells takes place that leads to carcinoma. 

4. Back pain causes female normal pain: lasts up to 12 weeks (6-8)weeks. dangerous pain is pain which persists beyond 12 weeks.

Causes of lower back pain in a female Skeletal system:

1. Herniated disc: when we have a slipped disk in any part of your spine, from your neck to lower back. 

2. Arthritis: inflammation occurs in one or more joints that will lead to severe pain. 

3. Sciatica: when the pain radiates through the sciatica nerve, which goes through one or both legs from the lower back. it will cause a burning sensation and lower extremity pain.

 4. Scoliosis: when the curvature of the spine is changed into sideways. it will cause physical deformity and back pain. 

5. Osteoporosis: it is a condition where bones become weak and brittle. 

6. Kyphosis: kyphosis is a condition where the round back or hunch back becomes slightly curve and slightly round in shape. it will lead to pain. 

7. Osteomyelitis: when infection occurs in bones. when bacteria or fungi comes in contact with the bones. 

8. Back pain causes female Mechanical, Internal organs, Infections, and Autoimmune

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