kidney stone: Diagnosis

                             kidney stone: Diagnosis 


Many different tests can verify your excretory system condition and kidney disease such as, kidney stone and infections.

According to kidney stone symptoms,

(-Urinating small amounts
-Blood in urine
- Severe pain in back, pain in below the ribs
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain on urination
- Red, pink or brown urine color
- Fever and chills if there is an infection
- Infection in penis and vagina
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty passing urine
- Urinary urgency
- Penile pain ) If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, you may have diagnostic tests and procedures, such as:

Ultrasound :

- If we want to know whether you have kidney stones or not, then we first think about ultrasound.

- Ultrasound is the common method to identify kidney stone(calculus).

- Ultrasounds have also been shown to have high detection rates and detected many complications and conditions such as: size  of kidney stones.

- Pregnant women should receive an ultrasound rather than a CT scan to avoid unnecessary radiation, it's good for baby and mother .

Urine testing:

 - The urine color can indicate the kidney problems and disease.

 - Kidney stone can identify with two methods:

(1) 24-hour urine collection test: may show that you're excreting too many stone-forming minerals or too few stone-prevention substances.

(2) Urine routine/urine culture: ( RBCs, WBCs, Crystal, pus cells) and bacteria  present  in urine.

Blood testing:

- Kidney function test (KFT) is helpful in kidney stone and other kidney disease.

- Increase amount of calcium or uric acid in urine causes kidney stones.

Computed tomography (CT) scans:

- Computerized tomography (CT) scan that may reveal even tiny stones.

- In computerized tomography (CT) scan the kidney stone's exact size and location, whether or not a blockage has occurred, and the state of other organs in the area, such as the appendix, aorta, and pancreas.


- Low radiation simple abdominal X-rays, which can miss small kidney stones.

- X-rays will be used to track the progress of the stone through the excretory system.

Imaging test:

- Noninvasive test
- Intravenous urography (intravenous pyelogram)
- Obtaining CT images (CT urogram).

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