Ischemic Heart Disease: Definition, types, symptoms, causes, risk factors


- Ischemic Heart Disease (Coronary Heart Disease) is a leading cause of death in United States.

- America has top rank in Ischemic Heart Disease

- More than 16 million Americans suffering with Ischemic Heart Disease.

Some other's name: 

- Coronary Artery Disease,

- Coronary Heart Disease,

- Coronary Microvascular Disease.


What is Ischemic Heart Disease : 

-  Coronary heart disease (ischemic heart disease) is a condition in which your blood vessels(Coronary Artery) is narrow and cannot supply enough  oxygen-rich blood  to your heart, because of, the Cholesterol-containing deposits called atheroma (plaque) build up inside the walls of your arteries.

-  Low blood flow may cause chest pain (angina) and  discomfort in breathing (shortness of breath).

-  The blockage (blood clot) Coronary Artery may cause permanent damage to your heart, and the result is heart attack.

Types of Ischemic Heart Disease :

There are three main types of ischemic heart disease:

1- Obstructive coronary artery disease:  


                                            That mean the heart’s arteries are more than 50 percent blocked.

2- Nonobstructive coronary artery disease:    

                                            Half 50 percent  arteries blocked. This condition can also be caused by disease or injury to the lining of the large arteries

3- Coronary microvascular disease:  

                                           Coronary microvascular disease affects the heart’s smallest arteries.


Signs and symptoms are dependent on the type of ischemic heart disease.

If your coronary arteries narrow, the plaque continues to build up in your coronary arteries
and after artery blockage result is chest pain and heart attack. symptoms including :

- Pain in the chest or upper body that may last for some minutes

- Shortness of breath

- Tiredness

- A cold sweat

- Neck pain

- Arms, shoulders, jaw pain

- Heart attack: A completely blocked coronary artery


Ischemic heart disease is caused by damage or injury  the inner layer of a coronary artery,
Once the inner wall of an artery is damaged, the fatty deposits, made of cholesterol (plaque), build up inside the walls it's called atherosclerosis.

If the surface of the plaque breaks, the platelets will clump at the site to try to repair the wall. Thus clump can block the artery, leading to a heart attack.

Ischemic heart disease causes include:

- Diabetes

- High blood pressure

- High cholesterol

- Obesity

- Stress

- Tobacco use

 - Insulin resistance

- Sedentary lifestyle.

Risk factors:

There are so many risk factors for ischemic heart disease, include:

- Age-  in men, something 50 age

         -  In women, after menopause.

- Sex-  men, Obstructive coronary artery disease is more common.

         - women, Nonobstructive coronary artery   disease is more common .

- Any family history heart disease

- Smoking and drinking

- High blood pressure

- High blood cholesterol levels

- Diabetes

- Overweight or obesity

- High stress

- Unhealthy diet

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kidney stone: Diagnosis

                             kidney stone: Diagnosis 


Many different tests can verify your excretory system condition and kidney disease such as, kidney stone and infections.

According to kidney stone symptoms,

(-Urinating small amounts
-Blood in urine
- Severe pain in back, pain in below the ribs
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain on urination
- Red, pink or brown urine color
- Fever and chills if there is an infection
- Infection in penis and vagina
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty passing urine
- Urinary urgency
- Penile pain ) If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, you may have diagnostic tests and procedures, such as:

Ultrasound :

- If we want to know whether you have kidney stones or not, then we first think about ultrasound.

- Ultrasound is the common method to identify kidney stone(calculus).

- Ultrasounds have also been shown to have high detection rates and detected many complications and conditions such as: size  of kidney stones.

- Pregnant women should receive an ultrasound rather than a CT scan to avoid unnecessary radiation, it's good for baby and mother .

Urine testing:

 - The urine color can indicate the kidney problems and disease.

 - Kidney stone can identify with two methods:

(1) 24-hour urine collection test: may show that you're excreting too many stone-forming minerals or too few stone-prevention substances.

(2) Urine routine/urine culture: ( RBCs, WBCs, Crystal, pus cells) and bacteria  present  in urine.

Blood testing:

- Kidney function test (KFT) is helpful in kidney stone and other kidney disease.

- Increase amount of calcium or uric acid in urine causes kidney stones.

Computed tomography (CT) scans:

- Computerized tomography (CT) scan that may reveal even tiny stones.

- In computerized tomography (CT) scan the kidney stone's exact size and location, whether or not a blockage has occurred, and the state of other organs in the area, such as the appendix, aorta, and pancreas.


- Low radiation simple abdominal X-rays, which can miss small kidney stones.

- X-rays will be used to track the progress of the stone through the excretory system.

Imaging test:

- Noninvasive test
- Intravenous urography (intravenous pyelogram)
- Obtaining CT images (CT urogram).

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kidney stone: symptoms, risk factors, types, causes,

what is kidney stone?: 

-A kidney stone is the insoluble hard material made of minerals and sodium (salts) inside your kidneys.

-Kidney stone can be affected many part of urinary tract like - from your kidneys to ureter and ureter to your bladder.

-The kidney stone can be painful when the stone get stuck in your urinary tract and it's also have a significantly higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

some other name of kidney stone:

- Nephrolithiasis
- Renal lithiasis
- Calculus stone


- A kidney stone may not causes symptoms easily until it moves to the ureter.

- When the kidney stone pass through ureter and blocks the flow of your urine, it can be very painful.

these are some symptoms include:

= Urinating small amounts
= Blood in urine
= Severe pain in back, pain in below the ribs
= Pain in the lower abdomen
= Pain on urination
= Red, pink or brown urine color
= Fever and chills if there is an infection
= Infection in penis and vagina
= Nausea and vomiting
= Difficulty passing urine
= Urinary urgency
= Penile pain

Types of kidney stone: 

- Kidney stone are many different types and color.

- Knowledge of kidney stone, helps to determine the cause and condition and reduce the risk of getting more kidney stones.

- There are four main types:

Calcium stones: 

- Calcium stones is most common types of kidney stone in current population. there are two types of calcium stone:  calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Calcium oxalate stone is  common more than calcium phosphate stone.

- Takes high amount of vitamin D, several metabolic disorders and intestinal bypass surgery can increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in urine.

- Calcium phosphate stone is more common in metabolic conditions, such as renal tubular acidosis, certain migraine headaches.

Uric acid stones:

- Uric acid stones, those who do not drink enough water and liquids or that lose too much fluid.

- Those who have type 2 diabetes are more likely to have uric acid stones.

Struvite/infection stones :

-Struvite stones are rare types of stones but damage the urinary system more than others stones.These stones are often large and they often grow very fast.

-Struvite stones are related to chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs).

-These types of stones are made of phosphate, magnesium and ammonium. 

Cystine stones:

- Cystine stones are very rare ( less than 1 %), and happen in people who have a genetic disorder.

- cystine is an amino acid that your body makes naturally.

- A high amounts of cystine (Cystinuria) it causes cystine stone.


- Mostly Kidney stones are caused by high amount of calcium, oxalate, phosphorusin, cystine, magnesium and ammonium in the urine. These minerals are naturally found in body.

- Dehydration.
- Certain diets.
- Certain medicines.
- Family history stone.

kidney stone Risk factors:

- It's possible to Anyone can get a kidney stone. but man get kidney stone more than women.

- Some conditions that increase your kidney stone risk include:

- Not drinking enough water (dehydration) and those who sweat more than others, they can increase your risk of kidney stones.

- Whatever the treatment like diuretic (water tablets) or calcium-based antacids.

- People with medical conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, urinary tract infections, renal tubular acidosis and cystinuria.

- Diet and hereditary factors also a risk factor for stone who take diet high of protein, sugar and  sodium (salt).

- Family history also a risk factor, if someone have kidney stone in your family, you're more likely to develop  kidney and bladder stone.

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