Neurofibromatosis: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis

What is neurofibromatosis?

- Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder of the nervous system or it can happen because of a mutation (change) in your genes.
- It mainly affects how nerve cells form and grow and it causes tumors to form on nerve tissue.
- These tumors can develop anywhere in your body including your brain, spinal cord and nerves.
- The tumors are usually non-cancerous (Benign), but sometime can become cancerous (malignant).


There are three types of neurofibromatosis:

1- NF type 1 (von recklinghausen NF or peripheral NF)
2- NF type 2 ( bilateral acoustic NF (BNA),
3- Schwannomatosis.


Neurofibromatosis is mostly inherited ( passed on by family members through our genes), but about 50% of people newly diagnosed, which can arise spontaneously through a mutation (change) in the genes.


These are some symptoms include:

- Hearing loss
- Loss of vision
- Bone deformities
- Light brown spots on the skin
- Poor balance
- Loss of muscle


There are some test include:

- Physical examination
- Family history
- X- rays
- Computerized tomography (CT) scans
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Biopsy of neurofibromas
- Eye tests
- Test for particular symptoms such as, hearing or balance tests.

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spinal muscular atrophy: definition,causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

Definition :

Spinal muscular atrophy is a group of genetic disorder in which a person cannot control the movement of their muscles,

SMA causes by muscles wasting and weakness.

It can be difficult for a person with SMA to stand, walk, control their head movement, and even in some cases, breath and swallow.

Causes :

Spinal muscular atrophy happen when motor neurons in the spinal cord and the brain stem either don't work or stop working because of changes in " Survival motor neuron" (sma1,sma2) genes.


In SMA, the muscles most affected are those closest to the center of the body, such as shoulders, hips, thighs and upper back.

If the muscles of the back weaken, spinal curvatures (scoliosis) can develop.

Diagnosis :

Doctor will ask your medical history, family history and physical examination.

Test for diagnosis SMA may include:
- Blood test: to check missing or broken genes that can cause SMA.
- A muscle biopsy
- Amniocentesis genetic test
- Electromyography (EMG).

Stroke: definition, types, symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment


The stroke is a “brain attack”, it's occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is reduce, and 
this happen when a blood vessel which carries oxygen and nutrients through blood to the brain is injured or blocked.

When this happens, the brain does not get enough blood as much as need, and they start to die within a few minutes.

This can cause permanent brain damage and long-term disability.


There are three main types of stroke:

Ischemic stroke:

These are the most common types of strokes, About 80 percent of strokes are ischemic strokes.

 It's occur when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow (ischemia).

These are two types :

- Thrombotic stroke
- Embolic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke:

The hemorrhagic stroke occurs when the blood vessel is ruptured (leaks) and the bleeding begins inside the brain.

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs):

It's also called mini-stroke, TIAs happen when the blood supply to the brain is blocked for a short time.

 It does not cause permanent damage to your brain, but if you have had a TIA, you are at a much higher chances of having a stroke.


Symptoms of stroke often appear suddenly, They are included:

- Confusion, difficulty in speaking and understanding
- Weakness or paralysis on the face, arm or leg, Especially on one side of the body
- Blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes
- Loss of balance or loss of coordination
- Suddenly loss of sensation (emotions)
- A sudden, severe headache and weakness.


The stroke can be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or the  bursting of a blood vessel  (hemorrhagic stroke).

Ischemic stroke : 

This type of stroke is caused by Plaque which made of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances builds up in the arteries, leaving less space for blood to flow And the result is artery starts blocking or contracting.

Blood clots often cause the blockages that lead to ischemic strokes.

Hemorrhagic stroke :

Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by the rupture of arteries in the brain, and its also cause by :

- High blood pressure
- Overtreatment with anticoagulants
- Weak spots in your blood vessel walls

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) : 

In this case Blood flow is temporarily impaired to part of the brain, also known as mini- stroke.

Risk factors 

Stroke is more likely to affect people if they have the following risk factors :

Long standing risk factors : 

- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Heart diseases
- Personal or family history of stroke
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
- Brain aneurysms 

Other risk factors, many of which of you can control :

- Physical inactivity
- Drinking and smoking
- Use illicit drugs
- Unhealthy diet
- Stress and depression


When you suspect that you have a stroke, immediately consult with doctor.

There are so many different types of diagnostic tests that doctors can use to define which type of stroke you has occurred:

Physical examination :

- Doctor will ask about family history that Anyone had a stroke in history?
- Doctor will check for numbness or weakness in your face, arms, and legs
- Check blood pressure
- Check your pulse for an irregular heartbeat

Blood tests :

- Blood glucose test
- Platelet count
- PT and PTT tests
- Cholesterol test

CT scan :

CT scan can show  hemorrhages, tumors and bleeding in the brain or damage to the brain cells from a stroke.

MRI scan : 

This test can detect changes in brain tissue and damage to brain cells from a stroke.

Carotid ultrasound :

This test shows buildup of fatty deposits (plaques) and blood flow in your carotid arteries (in your neck).


Treatment of stroke depends on whether it is ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke, because both have different causes.

Ischemic stroke treatment : 

In this case the arteries blocked or narrowed, so doctors focuses on restoring an adequate flow of blood to the brain, these are Some medicines and  surgery include:

- Intravenous injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Angioplasty and stents

Hemorrhagic stroke treatment : 

 In this case the blood leaking into the brain, so doctors focuses on controlling the bleeding, these are Some medicines and  surgery include:


- Warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven)
- Clopidogrel (Plavix)

Surgery : 

- Aneurysm
- Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
- Surgical clipping
- Coiling (endovascular embolization)
- Surgical AVM removal
- Stereotactic radiosurgery

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Ischemic Heart Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Ischemic Heart Disease: Diagnosis

- Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) is usually diagnosed after any symptoms. 

- However, Many people have no symptoms, until they experience complications such as a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest.

- When you seem any IHD symptoms immediately consult from doctor before make any serious situation.

 - The doctor will ask about your medical history, family history and suggest some diagnostic tests, including :

Blood test:

- Blood test can detect the Ischemic Heart Disease, such as,

- High blood cholesterol levels, have high blood pressure, high thyroid level, and high triglycerides level  etc

Cardiac catheterization:

- Cardiac catheterization used for view blood flow through tube.

- A long, thin flexible tube (dye) injected into the heart arteries through leg or arm, then Contrast material is injected through the dye and the dye detects narrow spots and blockages on the X-ray images.

Electrocardiogram (ECG):

- Electrocardiogram (ECG) measures the electrical activity and rhythms of the heart.

Stress testing:

- Stress test is conducted during exercise, the test can show changes to the heart rate, rhythm or electrical activity as well as blood pressure.


- Echocardiogram is a ultrasound scan test. It uses sound waves to provide a  image of your heart.

Heart (Computerized tomography (CT) scan:

- CT scan test help to detect any fatty deposits calcium within that narrow heart arteries, and to characterize other heart abnormalities.

Holter monitor: 

- Holter monitor is a portable device that the patient wear under their clothes for 24 to 48 hours (2 days) It records all the electrical activity of the heart such as heartbeats and Certain abnormalities.

Ischemic Heart Disease: Treatment

- Treatment of ischemic heart disease help to reduce the risk of heart attack and many serious conditions.

- Treatment usually involved : lifestyle changes, drugs and surgery.

Lifestyle Changes:

- Everyone can use these Lifestyle Changes, It helps in getting rid of your body's disease.

-Stop smoking

-Control your blood pressure

-Check your cholesterol

-Keep diabetes under control

-Eat healthy foods

-Maintain a healthy weight

-Exercise regularly

-Managing stress


- ACE inhibitors and beta blockers :

- These drug commonly used to treat high blood pressure,

And beta blockers reduce the risk of future attacks.

- Calcium channel blockers :

- This can reduce blood pressure by allowing blood vessels to relax and reduce hypertension. These drugs can help improve symptoms of chest pain.

- Metformin :

- Metformin is used to control atherosclerosis, if you have diabetes.

- Nitrates :

- Nitrates relaxing your blood vessels, letting more blood pass through heart vessels and relieves the chest pain

- Ranolazine :

- Ranolazine medicine is used to reduce the chest pain, called angina.

- Aspirin : 

- Aspirin drug used to prevent blood clots.

- Statins :

- Statins drug control high blood cholesterol and decrease the risk of stroke or heart attack.

- Medicines to control blood sugar :

Such as:

- Empagliflozin

- Canagliflozin

- Liraglutide

Surgery :

- Laser surgery:

- Making several tiny holes in the heart muscle through Laser surgery, which encourage the formation of new blood vessels.

- Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG):

- Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery creates a bypass around the narrowed coronary arteries by grafting arteries or veins taken from other parts of the body to improve blood flow.

- CABG surgery mostly used for those who have severe coronary artery disease in multiple coronary arteries.

- Angioplasty and stent placement: 

- In Angioplasty surgery doctor inserts a long, thin tube (catheter) into the narrow  artery. A wire with a deflated balloon is passed through the catheter to the narrowed area. The balloon is then inflated, it compresses the fatty deposits against the artery walls.

- And the stent is often left in the artery to help keep the artery open.

- Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI):

- Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatment used for open coronary arteries that are narrowed or blocked by the buildup of Cholesterol-containing (plaque) deposits.

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Ischemic Heart Disease: Definition, types, symptoms, causes, risk factors


- Ischemic Heart Disease (Coronary Heart Disease) is a leading cause of death in United States.

- America has top rank in Ischemic Heart Disease

- More than 16 million Americans suffering with Ischemic Heart Disease.

Some other's name: 

- Coronary Artery Disease,

- Coronary Heart Disease,

- Coronary Microvascular Disease.


What is Ischemic Heart Disease : 

-  Coronary heart disease (ischemic heart disease) is a condition in which your blood vessels(Coronary Artery) is narrow and cannot supply enough  oxygen-rich blood  to your heart, because of, the Cholesterol-containing deposits called atheroma (plaque) build up inside the walls of your arteries.

-  Low blood flow may cause chest pain (angina) and  discomfort in breathing (shortness of breath).

-  The blockage (blood clot) Coronary Artery may cause permanent damage to your heart, and the result is heart attack.

Types of Ischemic Heart Disease :

There are three main types of ischemic heart disease:

1- Obstructive coronary artery disease:  


                                            That mean the heart’s arteries are more than 50 percent blocked.

2- Nonobstructive coronary artery disease:    

                                            Half 50 percent  arteries blocked. This condition can also be caused by disease or injury to the lining of the large arteries

3- Coronary microvascular disease:  

                                           Coronary microvascular disease affects the heart’s smallest arteries.


Signs and symptoms are dependent on the type of ischemic heart disease.

If your coronary arteries narrow, the plaque continues to build up in your coronary arteries
and after artery blockage result is chest pain and heart attack. symptoms including :

- Pain in the chest or upper body that may last for some minutes

- Shortness of breath

- Tiredness

- A cold sweat

- Neck pain

- Arms, shoulders, jaw pain

- Heart attack: A completely blocked coronary artery


Ischemic heart disease is caused by damage or injury  the inner layer of a coronary artery,
Once the inner wall of an artery is damaged, the fatty deposits, made of cholesterol (plaque), build up inside the walls it's called atherosclerosis.

If the surface of the plaque breaks, the platelets will clump at the site to try to repair the wall. Thus clump can block the artery, leading to a heart attack.

Ischemic heart disease causes include:

- Diabetes

- High blood pressure

- High cholesterol

- Obesity

- Stress

- Tobacco use

 - Insulin resistance

- Sedentary lifestyle.

Risk factors:

There are so many risk factors for ischemic heart disease, include:

- Age-  in men, something 50 age

         -  In women, after menopause.

- Sex-  men, Obstructive coronary artery disease is more common.

         - women, Nonobstructive coronary artery   disease is more common .

- Any family history heart disease

- Smoking and drinking

- High blood pressure

- High blood cholesterol levels

- Diabetes

- Overweight or obesity

- High stress

- Unhealthy diet

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kidney stone: Diagnosis

                             kidney stone: Diagnosis 


Many different tests can verify your excretory system condition and kidney disease such as, kidney stone and infections.

According to kidney stone symptoms,

(-Urinating small amounts
-Blood in urine
- Severe pain in back, pain in below the ribs
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain on urination
- Red, pink or brown urine color
- Fever and chills if there is an infection
- Infection in penis and vagina
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty passing urine
- Urinary urgency
- Penile pain ) If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, you may have diagnostic tests and procedures, such as:

Ultrasound :

- If we want to know whether you have kidney stones or not, then we first think about ultrasound.

- Ultrasound is the common method to identify kidney stone(calculus).

- Ultrasounds have also been shown to have high detection rates and detected many complications and conditions such as: size  of kidney stones.

- Pregnant women should receive an ultrasound rather than a CT scan to avoid unnecessary radiation, it's good for baby and mother .

Urine testing:

 - The urine color can indicate the kidney problems and disease.

 - Kidney stone can identify with two methods:

(1) 24-hour urine collection test: may show that you're excreting too many stone-forming minerals or too few stone-prevention substances.

(2) Urine routine/urine culture: ( RBCs, WBCs, Crystal, pus cells) and bacteria  present  in urine.

Blood testing:

- Kidney function test (KFT) is helpful in kidney stone and other kidney disease.

- Increase amount of calcium or uric acid in urine causes kidney stones.

Computed tomography (CT) scans:

- Computerized tomography (CT) scan that may reveal even tiny stones.

- In computerized tomography (CT) scan the kidney stone's exact size and location, whether or not a blockage has occurred, and the state of other organs in the area, such as the appendix, aorta, and pancreas.


- Low radiation simple abdominal X-rays, which can miss small kidney stones.

- X-rays will be used to track the progress of the stone through the excretory system.

Imaging test:

- Noninvasive test
- Intravenous urography (intravenous pyelogram)
- Obtaining CT images (CT urogram).

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kidney stone: symptoms, risk factors, types, causes,

what is kidney stone?: 

-A kidney stone is the insoluble hard material made of minerals and sodium (salts) inside your kidneys.

-Kidney stone can be affected many part of urinary tract like - from your kidneys to ureter and ureter to your bladder.

-The kidney stone can be painful when the stone get stuck in your urinary tract and it's also have a significantly higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

some other name of kidney stone:

- Nephrolithiasis
- Renal lithiasis
- Calculus stone


- A kidney stone may not causes symptoms easily until it moves to the ureter.

- When the kidney stone pass through ureter and blocks the flow of your urine, it can be very painful.

these are some symptoms include:

= Urinating small amounts
= Blood in urine
= Severe pain in back, pain in below the ribs
= Pain in the lower abdomen
= Pain on urination
= Red, pink or brown urine color
= Fever and chills if there is an infection
= Infection in penis and vagina
= Nausea and vomiting
= Difficulty passing urine
= Urinary urgency
= Penile pain

Types of kidney stone: 

- Kidney stone are many different types and color.

- Knowledge of kidney stone, helps to determine the cause and condition and reduce the risk of getting more kidney stones.

- There are four main types:

Calcium stones: 

- Calcium stones is most common types of kidney stone in current population. there are two types of calcium stone:  calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Calcium oxalate stone is  common more than calcium phosphate stone.

- Takes high amount of vitamin D, several metabolic disorders and intestinal bypass surgery can increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in urine.

- Calcium phosphate stone is more common in metabolic conditions, such as renal tubular acidosis, certain migraine headaches.

Uric acid stones:

- Uric acid stones, those who do not drink enough water and liquids or that lose too much fluid.

- Those who have type 2 diabetes are more likely to have uric acid stones.

Struvite/infection stones :

-Struvite stones are rare types of stones but damage the urinary system more than others stones.These stones are often large and they often grow very fast.

-Struvite stones are related to chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs).

-These types of stones are made of phosphate, magnesium and ammonium. 

Cystine stones:

- Cystine stones are very rare ( less than 1 %), and happen in people who have a genetic disorder.

- cystine is an amino acid that your body makes naturally.

- A high amounts of cystine (Cystinuria) it causes cystine stone.


- Mostly Kidney stones are caused by high amount of calcium, oxalate, phosphorusin, cystine, magnesium and ammonium in the urine. These minerals are naturally found in body.

- Dehydration.
- Certain diets.
- Certain medicines.
- Family history stone.

kidney stone Risk factors:

- It's possible to Anyone can get a kidney stone. but man get kidney stone more than women.

- Some conditions that increase your kidney stone risk include:

- Not drinking enough water (dehydration) and those who sweat more than others, they can increase your risk of kidney stones.

- Whatever the treatment like diuretic (water tablets) or calcium-based antacids.

- People with medical conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, urinary tract infections, renal tubular acidosis and cystinuria.

- Diet and hereditary factors also a risk factor for stone who take diet high of protein, sugar and  sodium (salt).

- Family history also a risk factor, if someone have kidney stone in your family, you're more likely to develop  kidney and bladder stone.

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Diabetes diet: A Proper Diabetic Diet Plan

Diabetes diet: A Proper Diabetic Diet Plan

When we listen to diabetes word, first we think how it is controlled and mostly how it is controlled at home without insulin injections and medicine And it is only possible from healthy diet charts.


            The diabetic diet is a healthy eating process in which gives you a healthy amount of nutrients and less in carbohydrates, calories, and fat. And that is possible only a good doctor with a healthy food planning, according to the diabetic diet you can take fruits as well as green leafy vegetables and other food. the Diabetic diet is a good eating plan for every person. 

why diabetes is dangerous?

 When you eat excess carbohydrates and calories, they provide you a large amount of glucose and your body do not take that glucose. it can lead to a serious health problem, such as,
                  -Hyperglycemia: High blood glucose level in blood.
                  -Polyuria(pee more): the patient passing an abnormally large amount of urine.
                  -Polydipsia(Thirsty): patient feels excessive thirst, even after drinking a lot of fluid.
                  -polyphagia(feel hungry): Patient feel hungry.
                  -Low immunity: skin infection, vaginal infection, gums infection.
                  -Ketonuria: when ketone bodies are present in urine.
                  -Blurred vision: Eyes swell and they lose their ability to focus.
                  -Tingling: when you feel sensation in your feet and hands, fingers.
                  -Fatigue (Tiredness).
                  -Foot sores: the thick, hard, dead areas of skin in your feet and heel that's called foot sores.
                  -Unexplained weight loss.

Long-term complications: such as nerve, kidney and heart damage.

How many percents of people are suffering from diabetes? 

According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 371 million people suffering from diabetes in the world and according to the Lancet study China, India, and the USA are the most diabetes country in the world.  

                                1: According to the (JAMA) journal of the American medical association, China now has the largest diabetes epidemic in the world and China has the largest number of diabetes.
                                In 2015, 109.6 million (11%) adults people suffering from diabetes,(1% in 1980),(5.5% in 2001),(9.7% in 2008),(10.9% in 2013).

                                2: According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), India has 72.946.400 cases of diabetes in 2017 and, In the year 2045, this will rise to 151 million. 

                                3: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30.3 million (9.4%) of the US adults population have diabetes in 2015 and more than 100 million peoples suffering from diabetes or prediabetes. and 1.25 million American children and adults suffering from type 1 diabetes or 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed with diabetes every year in America. 

 A Simple diabetes diet menu: (For Indian peoples)

1: Breakfast:(8:00am) "( / means choice only one )"

     - 2 oats dosa / 2 chana dal pancakes(chila) with 2 tbsp green chutney.
     - 1 cup low-fat milk(without sugar for tea/coffee), prefer to consume it occasionally.
2: Mid morning:(11:00am) "( / means choice only one )"

     - 1 bowl chooped fruits(Apple/papaya/Guava/muskmelan/Berries/Melon).

3: Lunch:(1:00pm) "( / means choice only one )"

     - 2 oats roti/ 2 Bajra roti/ 2 jowar methi roti (all cooked without ghee)
     - 1 cup Cabbage/ French bean/ cluster bean(Gavarfali) or other vegetable
         (cooker in 1 tsp of oil).   
     - 1 Bowl mixed vegetable salad / 1 Bowl vegetable soup.
     - 1 cup zera oil Pulses(Dal) / 1 small piece non fried chicken / 1 small steamed fish.
     - 1 cup Brown rice(cooked in 1 tsp of oil and consumed only once a week)

4: Snacks:(4:00pm) "( / means choice only one )"

     - 4 small baked whole wheat flour puris(baked in the oven) / 2 oats methi multi-flour khakhra. 
     - 1 cup low-fat milk(without sugar for tea/ coffee), prefer to consume it occasionally.

5: Mid Evening snacks:(6:30pm) "( / means choice only one )"
    - 1 cup chopped fruits (Grapefruit/Orange/Sweetlime/Amla).
    - half cup sprouts / half cup roasted chana.

6: Dinner:(8:30pm) "( / means choice only one )"

    - 2 vegetable paratha / 2 nachni(ragi) roti / 2 vegetable thalipeeth (all cooked using 1 tsp of oil).
    - 1 cup low-fat curd(with half tbsp flax seeds powder) / 1 cup kadhi(made without ghee and oil) 
      /1 and a half cups any vegetable(subzi)(cooked in half tsp of oil).
    - 1 bowl mixed vegetable salad.    

A Simple diabetes diet menu: "( For everyone )"

1: Breakfast: (8:00 am) "( / means choice only one )"

    - Whole-wheat bread ( 2 medium slices) with 2 teaspoons jelly 
    - 1 cup low-fat milk (without sugar for tea/coffee).

2: Mid-morning: (11:00 am) "( / means choice only one )"

     - 1 bowl chopped fruits (Apple/papaya/Guava/muskmelon/Berries/Melon).

3: Lunch: (1:00 pm) "( / means choice only one )"

      - Cheese and veggie pita.
      - 1 cup Cabbage/ French bean/ cluster bean(Gavarfali) or other vegetables (cooker in 1 tsp of oil).
      - 1 Bowl mixed vegetable salad / 1 Bowl vegetable soup.
      - 1 cup zero oil Pulses / 1 small piece non fried chicken / 1 small steamed fish.

4: Snacks:(4:00pm) "( / means choice only one)"

      - 1 cup low-fat milk(without sugar for tea/ coffee), prefer to consume it occasionally.
      - 1 cup chopped fruits (Grapefruit/Orange/Sweetlime/Amla).
      - Half cup sprouts/half cup roasted Chickpeas (brown).

5:  Dinner: (8:00 pm) "( / means choice only one )"

      - Salmon, 1 1/2 teaspoons vegetable oil. 
      - Side salad (1 1/2 cups spinach, 1/2 of a tomato, 1/4 cup chopped bell pepper, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar).
      - Unsweetened iced tea.
      - 1 cup low-fat curd.


        -Granny Smith apple             
        -Tart berries 
        -star fruit

            - All Green leafy vegetables
            -White Raddish 
            -Ridged gourd 
        -Red Lentil(masoor dal)      
        -Yellow lentils(Toor dal)
        -Dried Beans(Rajma)

        - egg 
        -low-fat fish 
        - salmon

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Diabetes Symptoms - Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Symptoms is mainly characteristic by hyperglycemia, that leads to several long-term complications.

Diabetes Symptoms are:

1. Polyuria (peeing more often): It is the condition when a patient passing an abnormally large amount of urine in 24 hours.

2. Polydipsia (being thirsty): It is the condition when a patient feels excessive thirst. Even after drinking a lot of fluid. Polydipsia is a type 2 diabetes chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar and its symptoms are excess thirst, excessive hunger, frequent urination.

3. Polyphagia (excessive eating): It is the condition when a patient feels hungry. In this condition, appetite is also increasing.

4. Blurred vision (eye side week): When the value of fluid is decreased in the body, it will make your eyes swell and they lose their ability to focus.

5. Fatigue (tiredness): Fatigue is two types (physical) and (mental) fatigue both are different.       Long-term stress causes mental fatigues and poor sleeping causes physical fatigues(tiredness), normally 6 to 8 hours of sleep is important for everyone but diabetic patient do not sleep well because of medical problems and health condition, like (low blood pressure, pain in heart, depression etc).

6. Low immunity: Patient suffering from diabetes mellitus having more chances to get infections, such as skin infections, gums infections, and infection around sex organs.

7. Ketonuria: It is the condition when ketone bodies are present in the urine.

8. Tingling: When you feel sensation in your feet and hands, fingers. That's caused many deficiencies in your body like (diabetes, anemia, low blood pressure, low amount of blood, but the most common deficiency in these cases is diabetes mellitus type 1).

9. Foot sores: Foot sores is not a major sign for diabetes. The thick, hard, dead areas of skin in your feet and heel that's called foot sores. Sensation in the feet and heel is common, in the begin foot sores is not painful but after sometimes it is painful.

10. Glycosuria: It is the condition in which blood glucose level increases more than > 180 in the body than blood glucose is excreted into the urine.

11. Dry mouth and itchy skin: Inflammation of the lips can cause dry mouth and diabetes can also cause dry mouth and itchy skin.

12. Unexplained weight loss: In this condition, the low insulin amount does not make glucose for energy. Then the muscles and fat start burring for energy and you may lose unplanned weight.

A. Diabetes mellitus type-1 symptoms:

1 Sweating 
2 Nausea 
3 Vomiting
4 Excessive urination(more pee)
5 Tingling
6 A headache 
7 Sleepiness
8 Blurred vision
9 Dry mouth and itchy skin 
10 Fast heart rate
11 polyphagia
12 Polydypsia
13 Low immunity
14 Fatigue (tiredness)
15 Breathing fast 

B. Diabetes mellitus type-2 symptoms:

1 Yeast infection in fingers and toes, around sex organs
2 Heart pain 
3 Polyphagia(Excessive eating)
4 Polyuria
5 Foot Sores
6 Low blood pressure
7 Foot swelling
8 Unexplained weight loss
9 Glycosuria
10 ketonuria.

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Human body knowledge for every medical student and people - Heath Soulmate

Human body knowledge for every medical student and people - Heath Soulmate

Human body knowledge for your basic questions and dought?

First of all, we suggest you cover up Health Insurance for you and your family. Health is the first priority of the other important work, said greatest man "Health is wealth".

1. Do you know, your heart is the main part of your body and your heart beats approx 100000 times in one-day to a normal beat and approx 35 million times in 365 days and 2.5 million times in the full lifetime.

2. In the human body, the aorta is the largest artery, it is almost the diameter of a garden hose.

3. The size of our eyes remains the same throughout our life.

4. Water coconut can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

5. The 100 billion neurons made up one healthy brain.

6. Our pulse(average heart rate per minute)reduces as we grow older.
         newborn-130 per minute
         3 months-140 per minute
         6 months- 130 per minute
         1 year- 120 per minute
         2 year- 115 per minute
         3 year- 100 per minute
         4 year- 100 per minute
         6 year- 100 per minute
         8 year- 90 per minute
         12 year- 85 per minute
          Adults- 60-100 per minute

7. A cat's heart beats at 110 to 140 beats per minute, which is twice as fast as the human heart.
bats are the only flying mammals in the world.

8. Only human sleep on their back.

9. Giraffes are unable to cough.

10. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.          

11. The human eyes blink an average of 4,200,000 times a year.

12. In the human body, the longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.

13. There are more living organisms on the skin of a single human being that there is a human being on the surface of the earth.

14. Life expectancy for Russian man has actually gone down over the past 40 years. a Russian male born today can expect to live an average of 58 years.

15. The average North Korean 7-year-old is almost three inches shorter than the average South Korean 7-year-old.

16. Do you know, Every year approx 2700 surgical patients after doctor forget metal tools inside the patent body, by during operations patients. In the year 2000, approx 57 patients died mistake of the doctor 

17. When we learn something, we forget about 80% of them, every day.

18. Fidgeting can burn about 350 calories a day.

19. Wearing headphones for an hour increases the bacteria in your ear 700 times.

20. It takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest.

21. A baby is born without kneecaps, they appear between age 2 to 6.

22. Women blink nearly twice as much as a man.

23. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don't.

24. Human body knowledge the Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side.

25. In the human body ovum egg is the largest cell and the sperm is the smallest cell.

26. Do you know that a human brain cannot resist noticing, food, attractive people and danger?

27. If you sit more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you will die within the next 3 year.

28. Albert Einstein said, if honey bees disappearing from the Earth, then humans would die within 4  years.

29. A person's height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.

30. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.

31. Your shoes are the first thing people see about you subconsciously.

32. The human brain has the ability to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia.

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Back pain causes female - Reproductive-Excretory-Skeletal

Back pain causes female at this time every woman in the daily busy life.

Causes of lower back pain in female Reproductive system :

1. Miscarriage: A miscarriage is the loss of a fetus during pregnancy, it leads to severe back pain too. 

2. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): PMS is a condition that affects the women emotion, physical health and behavior during the menstruation.

3. Uterine prolapse: the pelvic muscle holds the uterus in place when pelvic muscles become weak so, they are not able to hold uterus that will lead to back pain.

 4. Urethritis: when inflammation occurs in urethra and irritation or pain occurs during urination.

 5. Cervical dysplasia: it is a condition when cells on the cervix undergo abnormal changes.

Causes of lower back pain in female Excretory system:

1. Kidney stones: kidney stones are the masses which are made up of crystals. they produced in kidneys but after that, they can be present at any point of the urinary tract. 

2. Muscle strain: while doing stretching, muscles got stiff or tearing of a muscle. it will lead to muscle pain.

 3. Renal cell cancer: it causes the kidney cancer. when the cells of the kidney become cancerous or abnormal growth of cells takes place that leads to carcinoma. 

4. Back pain causes female normal pain: lasts up to 12 weeks (6-8)weeks. dangerous pain is pain which persists beyond 12 weeks.

Causes of lower back pain in a female Skeletal system:

1. Herniated disc: when we have a slipped disk in any part of your spine, from your neck to lower back. 

2. Arthritis: inflammation occurs in one or more joints that will lead to severe pain. 

3. Sciatica: when the pain radiates through the sciatica nerve, which goes through one or both legs from the lower back. it will cause a burning sensation and lower extremity pain.

 4. Scoliosis: when the curvature of the spine is changed into sideways. it will cause physical deformity and back pain. 

5. Osteoporosis: it is a condition where bones become weak and brittle. 

6. Kyphosis: kyphosis is a condition where the round back or hunch back becomes slightly curve and slightly round in shape. it will lead to pain. 

7. Osteomyelitis: when infection occurs in bones. when bacteria or fungi comes in contact with the bones. 

8. Back pain causes female Mechanical, Internal organs, Infections, and Autoimmune

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